contributed by
Marie Boyer
Aftershaft Damsel
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Alberta Stone
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Alex's Envy
contributed by
Granville Airton
Amherst Pheasant Spey
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Anderson Stone Fly
contributed by
Blair Thomas
Anemic Chironomid
contributed by
Wayne Dalzell
Antron Egg
contributed by
Martin Swain
Articulated Stonefly Nymph
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
ASBBAnti-Static Bag Bomber
contributed by
Will Wright
Balanced BeadheadSix Pack
contributed by
Jerry McBride
Balanced Leech
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Ball of Fry
contributed by
Don Boyle
BC Psycho Bunny
contributed by
Eric Lofkrantz
Beach Bug
contributed by
Scott Brown
The Big Ugly
contributed by
Terry Robinson
Bionic Worm
contributed by
Bob Bates
Biot Stonefly
contributed by
Tomas Hudsky
BK Dragonfly Variant
contributed by
Deb Paskall
Black & Copper
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Black O'Lindsay
contributed by
Warren Grisewood
Black Sally
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Black Boss
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
Black Bear Green Butt
contributed by
Wayne Fortune
Vinyl Bloodworm
contributed by
Vinyl Bloodworm
Bloodworm Clot
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Blue Demon
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
BM Backswimmer
contributed by
Ken Brewster
Bonefish Slayer
contributed by
Doug James
Bubba's Chicken
contributed by
Bob Murphy
Bunny Sculpin
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Bunny Winged Salmon Leech
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Burnt Shrimp
contributed by
Craig Graham
Butler's Bug
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Cahill Tube Fly #1
contributed by
Dan Cahill
California Coachman
contributed by
Lois McNeil
California Neil
contributed by
Rick Jones
Carey Special
contributed by
Bruce Kendrick
The Carrot
contributed by
Jock Miller
CB Chironomid
contributed by
Erik Lofcrantz
Charlie Boy Hopper
contributed by
Geoff Smart
Atomic Booby
contributed by
Bruce Brandhorst
The Chewy McPhail
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Christmas Tree
contributed by
John Hay
Chum Candy
contributed by
Dean Mitchell
Clouser Minnow
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Coho Bugger
contributed by
Anne Alfano
Coho UV Bugger
contributed by
Steve Hanson
UV Egg SuckingCoho Spanker
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
The Collaborator
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Cone Fly
contributed by
Rick Jones
Cone Head Muddler
contributed by
Anne Alfano
Copper John
contributed by
John Field
The Corona
contributed by
Doug Wright
Crystal Hair Minnow
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Damsel LeechThing
contributed by
Phil Rowley
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Dark Montreal
contributed by
Jacqueline Mulcahy
Dave's Coho Bugger
contributed by
Dave Wettlaufer
Durable DazzleLeech
contributed by
Doug Wright
Sandy's Dazzle Shrimp
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Dirty Lady
contributed by
Will Wright
Kearney's Golden Stone
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Doc Spratley
contributed by
Bruce Kendrick
Durable Half Back
contributed by
Doug Wright
Extended BodyGreen Drake
contributed by
Martin Swain
Egg & Skin
contributed by
Warren Grisewood
Egg Sucking Bunny
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Egg Sucking Leech
contributed by
Edgar Lau
Elk Hair Caddis
contributed by
Edgar Lau
Elk Hair Caddis
contributed by
Diane Wenham
Emperor's New Clothes
contributed by
Phantom Pen
Epoxy Minnow
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Egg Sucking Bunny Leech
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
European Buzzer
contributed by
Anton Pasternak
Extended BodyMayfly
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
The Falk Fly
contributed by
Larry Haines
Bead Head Flash BackPheasant Tail Nymph
contributed by
Ken Baker
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Flesh Fly
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
Floss Diawl Bach
contributed by
Craig Graham
Friday Night Special
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Foamy Bomber
contributed by
Will Wright
Frank's Fly
contributed by
Ken Baker
The Frenchy
contributed by
Rick Jones
Frenchie 2.0
contributed by
Rick Jones
Frostbite Bloodworm
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Frostbite Chironomid
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Furled Alevin
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Gartside Gurgler
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Georgi's Damsel
contributed by
Doug Wright
GiganticEgg Sucking Leech
contributed by
Stuart Malkinson
Ginger Stone Fly
contributed by
Danny Erasmus
Glenn's Leech
contributed by
Stan Ogden
Goddard Caddis
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Gold Bead Head Nymph
contributed by
Jock Miller
Lois' Golden Muddler
contributed by
Lois McNeil
Grantham Sedge
contributed by
Ron Grantham
Grantham Winged Greaseliner
contributed by
Rick Jones
Western Green Drake
contributed by
Danie Erasmus
Green Woolly Bugger
contributed by
Wayne Dalzell
Green Machine
contributed by
Will Wright
Grouse & Flash
contributed by
Dan Cahill
Half Arsed Back
contributed by
Terry Bragg
Half A Carey
contributed by
Paul Francescini
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Bead HeadHare's Ear Nymph
contributed by
Gil Sage
Hare’s EarNymph Variant
contributed by
Henri Jover
Heather Nymph
contributed by
Wayne Jones
Henri's Damsel
contributed by
Henri Jover
Henri's Epoxy Minnow
contributed by
Henri Jover
Holographic BrownChironomid
contributed by
Chris Conn
Hunter's Tippet Shrimp
contributed by
Rick Jones
HY Pink
contributed by
Larry Haines
Idaho Nymph
contributed by
Dianne Wenham
Improved Half Back
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowsky
Lingren's Indispensible
contributed by
Ken Baker
Irresistable Adams
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Islander - Orange
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Jig Bugger
contributed by
Stuart Donald
Kelly's Coho KillerK.C.K.
contributed by
Kelly Davison
Kelsey's Hope
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Ken’s Mayfly
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Cutthroat Coho Spider
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Lady Caroline
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Lake Darner
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Lam's Pupa
contributed by
Doug Wright
Lazy Rider
contributed by
Stan Ogden
Learning ToLove Leeches
contributed by
Phil Rowley
LH Mayfly Nymph
contributed by
Larry Haines
The Lime Fly
contributed by
Jack Morris
Liquid Lace Chironomid
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Little Fort Leech
contributed by
Martin Swain
Little Frankenstein
contributed by
Anne Alfano
Mallard & Silver
contributed by
Blair Thomas
Marabou Prawn
contributed by
Phil Rowley
contributed by
Doug Wright
Maroon Chironomid
contributed by
Will Wright
Martin Tolley's October
contributed by
Rick Jones
contributed by
Arnold Arce
StillwaterMayfly/Caddis Nymph
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
May Fly Chironomid
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Mickey Finn
contributed by
Terry Bragg
Bead HeadedMicro Leech
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Micro Leech
contributed by
Will Wright
Micro Minnow
contributed by
Bill Lee
Mikulak Sedge
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
Minimalist Micro Leech
contributed by
Thom Kline
Minky Booby
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
MLF Epoxy Fly
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Moose Haired Skater
contributed by
Steve Hanson
MysteryPink Fly
contributed by
Chris Conn
Nano's Leech
contributed by
Tony Ciccozzi
Northern BC Copper John
contributed by
Danie Erasmus
The Nothing Fly
contributed by
Dan Cahill
Olive & CopperChironomid Pupa
contributed by
Mike Marlowe
Orange Pupa
contributed by
Alex Carr
Orange & BlackSomething
contributed by
Jacqueline Mulcahy
Ostrich Herl
contributed by
Bruce Banks
Parachute Adams
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Parachute Madame X
contributed by
Edgar Lau
Partridge & Yellow
contributed by
Bruce Brandhorst
Pearl BeadASB Chironomid
contributed by
Ed Puzon
Pearl Shrimp
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Pick Yer Pocket
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Tied Down Pink Fry
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Pink Rabbit
contributed by
Arnold Arce
The Pink Demon
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Polar Bear Minnow
contributed by
Don Boyle
The Popsicle
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Prince Nymph
contributed by
Gregg Carpenter
Prism Water Boatman
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Pumpkin Head
contributed by
Henri Jover
The Purple Flash
contributed by
Gill Sage
Purple Peril
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Stan's Pussy Willow
contributed by
Stan Ogden
Pearl Variant Coho Fly
contributed by
Alex Carr
Ray's Special
contributed by
Eric Lofkrantz
Red Shiner
contributed by
Craig Graham
Red Thorax Half Back
contributed by
Eric Lofkrantz
Rolled Muddler
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowski
Ruby EyeMicro Leech
contributed by
Anne Alfano
S.A. Hopper
contributed by
Ken Brewster
Saltwater Baitfish
contributed by
Chris Conn
Scarlet Fever
contributed by
Darren Smith
Screaming Viking
contributed by
Martin Swain
ScudsA Stillwater Staple
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Steve's Seal Shrimp
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Sexy Lingerie
contributed by
Will Wright
Sheridan LakeSedge Pupa
contributed by
Ken Baker
Shimmer Minnow
contributed by
Geoff Smart
contributed by
Craig Graham
Shuswap Minnow
contributed by
Blair Thomas
Silly Creek Savior
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Silver Cone Bugger
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Simple General Practitioner
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Simple Fry
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Simply Black
contributed by
Jock Miller
That Sinking Feeling
contributed by
Phil Rowley
contributed by
Henri Jover
Six Pack
contributed by
Tony Ciccozzi
Skagit Nymph
contributed by
Gregg Carpenter
Soft Orange
contributed by
Dean Mitchell
Spam & Eggs
contributed by
Ken Fraser
DazzleCaddis Emerger
contributed by
Doug Wright
Sparkle Pheasant Tail Nymph
contributed by
Henri Jover
Squamish Streaker
contributed by
Will Wright
Steelhead Worm
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Steve's Intruder
contributed by
Steve Hanson
B.C. Stickleback
contributed by
Terry Bragg
StillwaterCaddis Emerger
contributed by
John Hay
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Stripped PeacockHerl Chironomid
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Tape Fry
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
Tape Wing Caddis
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
The .08
contributed by
Ken Drieger
Thompson RiverCaddis
contributed by
Greg Gordon
Thompson Stonefly
contributed by
Trevor Venables
contributed by
Tony Ciccozzi
Todd's Coho Bugger
contributed by
Martin Swain
Tom Thumb
contributed by
Mike Harper
TP Nymph
contributed by
Dan Cahill
The Triple A
contributed by
Darren Smith
contributed by
Peter Caverhill
contributed by
Bill Starr
Ultimate Chironomid
contributed by
Greg Gordon
Fluorescent Umpqua Special
contributed by
Warren Grisewood
UV Coho Fly
contributed by
Wayne Dalzell
Vistula Nymph
contributed by
Paul Francescini
What Else
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Wintel's Western Special
contributed by
Rick Jones
TraditionalWoolly Bugger
contributed by
Frank Arcadi
Woolly Bugger
contributed by
Adrian Sparham
Jim's Yellow Neil
contributed by
Terry Bragg
Younge’s Firefly
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Zavaduk'sCaddis Pupa
contributed by
Deb Paskall