Anemic Chironomid
contributed by
Wayne Dalzell
ASBBAnti-Static Bag Bomber
contributed by
Will Wright
Bionic Worm
contributed by
Bob Bates
Black Sally
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Vinyl Bloodworm
contributed by
Vinyl Bloodworm
Bloodworm Clot
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
CB Chironomid
contributed by
Erik Lofcrantz
The Collaborator
contributed by
Steve Hanson
The Corona
contributed by
Doug Wright
European Buzzer
contributed by
Anton Pasternak
Frostbite Bloodworm
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Frostbite Chironomid
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Holographic BrownChironomid
contributed by
Chris Conn
Liquid Lace Chironomid
contributed by
Sandy McKinlay
Maroon Chironomid
contributed by
Will Wright
May Fly Chironomid
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Olive & CopperChironomid Pupa
contributed by
Mike Marlowe
Pearl BeadASB Chironomid
contributed by
Ed Puzon
Screaming Viking
contributed by
Martin Swain
That Sinking Feeling
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Stripped PeacockHerl Chironomid
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Ultimate Chironomid
contributed by
Greg Gordon