It is often claimed that the highest percentage of fish taken on flies are taken on nymphs. Trout spend most of their time on or near the bottom feeding on natural nymphs, larvae, crustaceans, and whatever else happens to float or swim by. Consequently, nymphs should be the most important fly in your box.
Click on image to download PDF file of recipe and tying instructions.
Aftershaft Damsel
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Alberta Stone
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Anderson Stone Fly
contributed by
Blair Thomas
Balanced BeadheadSix Pack
contributed by
Jerry McBride
Biot Stonefly
contributed by
Tomas Hudsky
BK Dragonfly Variant
contributed by
Deb Paskall
Black O'Lindsay
contributed by
Warren Grisewood
Black Pennell
contributed by
Martin Swain
Bubba's Chicken
contributed by
Bob Murphy
Butler's Bug
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
The Chewy McPhail
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Copper John
contributed by
John Field
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Kearney's Golden Stone
contributed by
Dave Kearney
Durable Half Back
contributed by
Doug Wright
Bead Head Flash BackPheasant Tail Nymph
contributed by
Ken Baker
The Frenchy
contributed by
Rick Jones
Frenchie 2.0
contributed by
Rick Jones
Georgi's Damsel
contributed by
Doug Wright
Ginger Stone Fly
contributed by
Danny Erasmus
Gold Bead Head Nymph
contributed by
Jock Miller
Grouse & Flash
contributed by
Dan Cahill
Half Arsed Back
contributed by
Terry Bragg
Bead HeadHare's Ear Nymph
contributed by
Gil Sage
Hare’s EarNymph Variant
contributed by
Henri Jover
Heather Nymph
contributed by
Wayne Jones
Idaho Nymph
contributed by
Dianne Wenham
Improved Half Back
contributed by
Rudy Morzanowsky
Ken’s Mayfly
contributed by
Steve Hanson
Lake Darner
contributed by
Peter Chatt
Lam's Pupa
contributed by
Doug Wright
LH Mayfly Nymph
contributed by
Larry Haines
StillwaterMayfly/Caddis Nymph
contributed by
Ed Stefanison
Northern BC Copper John
contributed by
Danie Erasmus
Orange Pupa
contributed by
Alex Carr
Ostrich Herl
contributed by
Bruce Banks
Prince Nymph
contributed by
Gregg Carpenter
Red Thorax Half Back
contributed by
Eric Lofkrantz
Sheridan LakeSedge Pupa
contributed by
Ken Baker
Silly Creek Savior
contributed by
Phil Rowley
Six Pack
contributed by
Tony Ciccozzi
Skagit Nymph
contributed by
Gregg Carpenter
Sparkle Pheasant Tail Nymph
contributed by
Henri Jover
Thompson RiverCaddis
contributed by
Greg Gordon
Thompson Stonefly
contributed by
Trevor Venables
TP Nymph
contributed by
Dan Cahill
contributed by
Bill Starr
Vistula Nymph
contributed by
Paul Francescini
Zavaduk'sCaddis Pupa
contributed by
Deb Paskall